Mind + Body


Welcome to Mind + Body : A Journey to Holistic Luxury

Welcome to Mind + Body, our new blog series dedicated to the intersection of luxury, wellness, and personal development. I’m excited to embark on this journey with you, where opulence meets well-being, and inner harmony complements outer elegance.

In Mind + Body, we’ll explore how true luxury extends beyond material indulgences to include practices that nurture and elevate our overall well-being. True opulence lies in creating a life that is balanced, harmonious, and deeply fulfilling. 

Each week, we’ll dive into topics that connect physical health, mental clarity, and personal growth. From the latest trends in wellness and self-care to strategies for achieving balance in our fast-paced lives, Mind + Body will be your guide to embracing a holistic sense of luxury. 

Our focus will include mindfulness practices, luxurious self-care routines, fitness and nutrition benefits, and achieving balance amidst life’s demands. We aim to inspire you to weave these elements into your life as essential components of a rich and rewarding existence. 

At BLUSH Magazine + Media Co., we encourage you to explore and integrate these practices into your daily life. Whether you’re looking to enhance your routine or deepen your understanding of personal development, Mind + Body will offer valuable insights and practical tips for elevating your journey. 

Join us as we redefine luxury through the lens of holistic well-being and embrace practices that nurture both mind and body. 

Here’s to living well and living beautifully. 


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief

The Luxury of Balance

August 4, 2024 - In the world of luxury, we often think of indulgence—lavish vacations, exquisite dining, the latest couture. But what if I told you that one of the greatest luxuries we can afford ourselves isn’t something we can buy or wear? It’s something far more valuable and, in today’s fast-paced world, incredibly rare: balance. 

Balance is the art of harmonizing the demands of our lives with the desires of our souls. It’s the delicate dance between work and play, ambition and rest, indulgence and restraint. And just like a finely crafted piece of jewelry or a bespoke suit, achieving balance requires intention, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality. 

In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, balance often takes a back seat. We tell ourselves that we’ll slow down once we reach that next milestone, that we’ll make time for ourselves after we’ve accomplished just one more goal. But in the process, we can lose sight of the present moment—the only place where balance can truly exist.

So, how do we reclaim this luxury of balance? It starts with redefining our priorities. In a society that glorifies the hustle and rewards constant productivity, it can be tempting to equate busyness with success. But true luxury isn’t about how much we can cram into our schedules; it’s about the quality of the time we spend and the experiences we create. It’s about finding joy in the small, quiet moments and recognizing that rest is just as important as achievement.

Creating balance also means setting boundaries—both externally and internally. This might mean carving out time in your calendar for activities that nourish your soul, whether it’s a morning yoga session, a leisurely brunch with friends, or an afternoon spent lost in a good book. It could also mean setting limits on how much you give to others, ensuring that you have enough energy left for yourself. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Another key to balance is mindfulness. In the luxury lifestyle, we’re often surrounded by abundance—whether it’s the latest fashion, the finest cuisine, or the most exclusive events. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying these pleasures, mindfulness invites us to savor them fully, without the need to constantly seek out the next best thing. It’s about being present in the moment, appreciating the richness of what we have, and recognizing that sometimes, less is more.  

Balance also requires us to be kind to ourselves. In the quest for perfection—whether in our careers, our relationships, or our personal lives—it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism. But the truth is, balance isn’t about achieving some unattainable ideal; it’s about finding a rhythm that works for you, one that allows you to thrive rather than just survive. It’s about recognizing that it’s okay to slow down, to take a break, and to give yourself permission to simply be. 

As we move through the week, I encourage you to consider what balance looks like in your life. Are there areas where you’re giving too much and receiving too little? Are there moments when you could be more present, more mindful, more at peace? And most importantly, how can you create space for the things that truly matter? 

In the end, the luxury of balance is one that we craft for ourselves. It’s a choice we make every day—a choice to live with intention, to prioritize our well-being, and to embrace the fullness of life in all its beautiful complexities. 

Until next week, remember that balance is not a destination but a journey—one that’s worth every step.   


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


August 11, 2024 - In the modern world, where speed is often equated with success, the concept of slow living might seem counterintuitive. But just as luxury isn’t about the quantity of our possessions but the quality of our experiences, so too is the essence of slow living—a philosophy that invites us to savor life’s moments rather than rushing through them. 

Slow living is about embracing the idea that not everything needs to happen in a hurry. It’s about taking the time to enjoy the process, whether that’s crafting a meal from scratch, engaging in a deep conversation with a loved one, or simply being present with your thoughts. In a culture that often values hustle and efficiency above all else, slow living is a radical act of self-care and mindfulness. 

So, what does slow living look like in practice? It starts with a shift in mindset. Rather than viewing time as a scarce resource to be maximized, slow living encourages us to see time as a gift—an opportunity to connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us. This might mean prioritizing quality over quantity in our relationships, our work, and even our leisure activities. It’s about choosing depth over breadth, and finding joy in the simplicity of life. 

One of the key principles of slow living is intentionality. When we move through life with intention, we become more attuned to our true desires and values. We start to question whether our actions are aligned with our authentic selves, and we make conscious choices that reflect our deepest aspirations. This might involve decluttering our schedules to make space for what truly matters, or setting boundaries that protect our time and energy. 

Another important aspect of slow living is connection—with nature, with others, and with ourselves. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to become disconnected from the natural rhythms of the world around us. But by slowing down, we can begin to re-establish these connections, whether it’s through spending time in nature, engaging in meaningful conversations, or simply taking a moment to breathe deeply and center ourselves. 

Of course, slow living doesn’t mean abandoning our ambitions or giving up on our goals. Rather, it’s about pursuing those goals with a sense of balance and mindfulness. It’s about recognizing that success isn’t measured by how fast we achieve something, but by how fully we live along the way. When we slow down, we allow ourselves the space to reflect, to learn, and to grow in ways that might be overlooked in the rush to get ahead. 

Incorporating slow living into your life might start with small changes—taking a few minutes each morning to sit quietly with a cup of tea, spending an afternoon unplugged from technology, or dedicating time each week to a hobby that brings you joy. These small acts of mindfulness can have a profound impact on your overall well-being, helping you to cultivate a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. 

As we move into this week, I encourage you to explore what slow living might look like for you. Are there areas in your life where you’re rushing unnecessarily? Are there moments that could be savored more fully? And most importantly, how can you create a lifestyle that prioritizes presence over productivity, and meaning over mere activity? 

Remember, the art of slow living is a journey, not a destination. It’s about embracing the beauty of the present moment, and allowing yourself the luxury of living life at your own pace. 

Until next week, take a deep breath, slow down, and relish the richness of each moment. 


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


August 18, 2024 - We often talk about luxury as something tangible—a beautiful piece of jewelry, an exquisite meal, a luxurious vacation. But what if I told you that one of the most luxurious things you could do is simply… let go?

In a world where we’re constantly encouraged to hold on—hold on to our ambitions, our possessions, our relationships—letting go can feel like an act of rebellion. But there is a certain freedom that comes with releasing the things that no longer serve us. Whether it’s an outdated belief, a toxic relationship, or even the need to control every aspect of our lives, letting go can be a powerful way to create space for something new.

Letting go isn’t about giving up or admitting defeat; it’s about recognizing when something is no longer aligned with who we are or what we need. It’s about trusting that by releasing what’s holding us back, we make room for the things that will propel us forward. And in that space, there is a luxury that cannot be measured in dollars or possessions.

This week, I want to explore what it means to let go—of expectations, of old habits, of the need to be perfect. Because in the end, true luxury isn’t about accumulating more; it’s about living a life that feels light, free, and full of possibility.

Letting go starts with awareness. Take a moment to reflect on the areas of your life where you’re holding on too tightly. Are there things—physical or emotional—that are weighing you down? Are you clinging to something out of fear, rather than love? By asking ourselves these questions, we begin to uncover the things that are preventing us from living fully and freely.

Once you’ve identified what you need to let go of, the next step is to release it with grace. This might mean having a difficult conversation, setting a boundary, or simply deciding to stop investing energy in something that no longer brings you joy. It might feel uncomfortable at first—after all, we’re conditioned to believe that holding on is a sign of strength. But in reality, letting go can be one of the most courageous things we do.

In the process of letting go, we also learn to trust—in ourselves, in the universe, in the idea that what’s meant for us will find its way to us. And as we release the things that are no longer aligned with our highest good, we make room for new opportunities, new connections, and new experiences that bring us closer to our true selves.

So, how do we incorporate the luxury of letting go into our lives? Start small. Maybe it’s decluttering a closet, letting go of a negative thought pattern, or releasing the need to control every outcome. As you practice letting go, you’ll begin to notice a shift in your energy—a lightness, a sense of peace, and the realization that sometimes, the greatest luxury is found in the things we choose to release.

As we move into this week, I invite you to consider what it would look like to let go of something that’s been holding you back. What would it feel like to release the weight of expectation, to trust in the flow of life, and to embrace the freedom that comes with letting go? Remember, true luxury isn’t about holding on to more—it’s about letting go of what no longer serves you and making space for the things that truly matter.

Until next week, live lightly, live freely, and embrace the luxury of letting go.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief

The Power of Pause

August 25, 2024 - In a world that glorifies constant motion and unending productivity, the idea of pausing can feel almost indulgent, if not outright impossible. We live in a time where busyness is a badge of honor, where our days are filled to the brim with tasks, appointments, and commitments. Yet, amid the hustle and the hurry, we often overlook one of the simplest, yet most profound, luxuries available to us—the luxury of pause.

Pausing is not just about stopping; it’s about creating space. It’s about allowing ourselves a moment to breathe, to reflect, to reconnect with our inner selves. In these pauses, we find clarity, creativity, and a renewed sense of purpose. They are the quiet interludes in the symphony of life, moments where we can listen to our own thoughts and align ourselves with our true intentions.

But why is it so hard to pause? For many of us, pausing feels unproductive, even wasteful. We’re conditioned to equate our worth with our output, to believe that every moment spent in stillness is a moment lost. But what if we reframe our understanding of productivity? What if we see the pause not as a break from progress but as an essential part of it?

The truth is, pausing allows us to return to our tasks with greater focus and energy. It’s in these moments of stillness that we can recharge, realign, and recommit to our goals with renewed vigor. The pause is where the seeds of inspiration are planted, where we can step back and see the bigger picture, allowing us to move forward with intention and clarity.

So, how can we incorporate the luxury of pause into our lives? It starts with giving ourselves permission to slow down. This could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths before starting your day, setting aside time for quiet reflection, or practicing mindfulness during everyday activities. It’s about creating pockets of peace in the midst of our busy lives, moments where we can simply be.

Another way to embrace the power of pause is to integrate it into your decision-making process. Before saying yes to a new commitment or making a significant life choice, take a moment to pause and check in with yourself. Ask yourself if this decision aligns with your values and long-term goals. This simple practice can prevent us from overcommitting and help us make choices that truly serve our well-being.

In the context of luxury, pause is the ultimate indulgence. It’s the luxury of time—time to reflect, to savor, to appreciate the beauty of the present moment. When we pause, we open ourselves up to a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. We begin to notice the small, beautiful details that we might otherwise overlook—the warmth of the sun on our skin, the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, the taste of a perfectly brewed cup of tea.

As we move into this week, I encourage you to experiment with the power of pause. Where in your life could you benefit from a moment of stillness? How might your perspective shift if you allowed yourself the space to breathe, to think, to simply be? Remember, the pause is not a luxury reserved for the few; it’s a gift we can all give ourselves.

Until next week, take a moment to pause, breathe deeply, and embrace the richness that comes from living a life in balance.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


September 1, 2024 - In the world of luxury, we often find ourselves surrounded by the finest things—elegant spaces, exquisite garments, and unparalleled experiences. But true luxury extends beyond the material, reaching into the realm of the mind and spirit, where mindfulness takes center stage. Today, I invite you to explore the concept of mindful luxury—a way of living that embraces both opulence and inner peace, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Mindful luxury is about cultivating a deep appreciation for the present moment, a practice that allows us to savor life’s pleasures fully. It’s about recognizing that luxury isn’t just about what we possess, but how we experience it. In a world that often values speed and efficiency, mindfulness invites us to slow down, to pause, and to immerse ourselves in the richness of each moment.

So, what does it mean to live a life of mindful luxury? It begins with a shift in perspective. Instead of rushing through our days, we learn to approach each moment with intention and presence. Whether it’s enjoying a gourmet meal, indulging in a spa day, or simply sipping a cup of tea, mindful luxury encourages us to fully engage our senses and appreciate the beauty of the experience.

One of the key principles of mindful luxury is the idea that less can be more. In our pursuit of the finer things, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the desire for more—more possessions, more achievements, more experiences. But true luxury isn’t found in excess; it’s found in simplicity. By decluttering our lives and focusing on what truly matters, we create space for the things that bring us the most joy and fulfillment.

This approach also extends to our relationships. Mindful luxury invites us to cultivate deeper connections with the people around us, to be fully present in our interactions, and to cherish the moments we share with loved ones. It’s about prioritizing quality over quantity, whether in our friendships, our conversations, or the time we spend together.

Of course, mindful luxury also means taking care of ourselves. It’s about embracing self-care not as an occasional indulgence, but as a daily practice. This could mean setting aside time for meditation, nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, or simply allowing ourselves to rest. In doing so, we honor our well-being and create a foundation of balance and harmony that enhances every aspect of our lives.

As we move into this week, I encourage you to explore how you can incorporate mindful luxury into your own life. Are there areas where you could slow down and savor the moment? Could you simplify your surroundings to create a more peaceful environment? And most importantly, how can you bring a sense of mindfulness to the way you experience luxury, both in the material and the intangible?

Remember, true luxury isn’t just about what we have; it’s about how we live. By embracing mindfulness, we unlock the potential to experience life’s pleasures more deeply and create a life that is not only beautiful but deeply fulfilling.

Until next week, I invite you to live luxuriously, live mindfully, and embrace the elegance of a life well-lived.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief

Cultivating Inner Opulence through Rituals of Renewal

September 8, 2024 - In our fast-paced, constantly connected world, true luxury often comes from the quiet spaces we carve out for ourselves—those moments where we can exhale, pause, and reconnect with the deepest parts of who we are. This week, I want to explore the concept of renewal—not just in the physical sense, but as an act of cultivating inner opulence through daily rituals that allow us to reset and refresh. 

Rituals of Renewal are the practices that help us return to a state of balance, harmony, and well-being. They’re the luxurious moments of self-care that nourish not just our bodies but our minds and spirits. Think of them as the ultimate reset button, a way to let go of the mental clutter and emotional weight we carry, making space for clarity, creativity, and peace.

So, how do we cultivate these rituals of renewal in our daily lives? It starts with intention. Renewal isn’t about checking off another task on our to-do list; it’s about consciously deciding to slow down, to nurture ourselves from the inside out, and to create moments that feel sacred.

Here are a few ways you can begin incorporating rituals of renewal into your life:

1. Morning Mindfulness Rituals 

The way we start our day sets the tone for everything that follows. Instead of jumping straight into the chaos of emails, meetings, and to-do lists, why not begin your day with a moment of mindfulness? Whether it’s five minutes of meditation, a slow stretch to wake up your body, or simply sitting with a cup of tea in silence, this ritual creates a calm foundation that will sustain you throughout the day. Starting with presence allows us to be more intentional in how we move through the world.

2. Luxurious Bathing Experiences

One of the simplest yet most effective rituals of renewal is transforming your daily shower or bath into a luxurious experience. Use aromatic bath salts, light candles, and take your time. Instead of rushing through, immerse yourself in the sensation of water against your skin, allowing it to wash away the stresses of the day. This isn’t just about physical cleanliness—it’s about cleansing your spirit, too.

3. Digital Detox & Reflection

In a world that’s constantly buzzing with notifications and information, one of the most powerful acts of renewal is disconnecting from technology, even for a short period. Consider setting aside time each evening to step away from screens, replacing that time with reflection, journaling, or reading. Let this be a sacred space where you can check in with yourself, your emotions, and your dreams.

4. Nature Walks & Grounding

There’s a profound sense of renewal that comes from reconnecting with nature. Even if it’s just a brief walk in a nearby park or sitting outside under the sky, grounding yourself in the natural world allows you to reset on a deep level. Feel the earth beneath your feet, listen to the sounds around you, and allow nature’s rhythms to remind you of your own inner balance.

5. Mindful Gratitude Practices

Before bed, take a few moments to reflect on the blessings of the day, no matter how small. Writing down three things you’re grateful for helps shift your focus away from stress or anxiety and reminds you of the beauty and abundance in your life. This simple ritual is a powerful way to cultivate a mindset of inner wealth.

6. Seasonal Cleansing & Refreshing Spaces

Our physical surroundings have a direct impact on our mental state. One powerful way to renew your energy is to refresh your living spaces. Declutter, rearrange, or introduce elements that feel calming and luxurious—like fresh flowers, plush textiles, or soothing colors. Aligning your external environment with your inner peace can create a lasting sense of renewal.

The Opulence of Inner Peace

True luxury isn’t always something we can touch or see; often, it’s a feeling, an experience, a state of being. When we embrace rituals of renewal, we cultivate a deeper sense of inner opulence—an abundance of peace, clarity, and harmony that elevates every part of our lives. These small, intentional acts of self-care become the foundation of a life that feels truly luxurious from the inside out.

As you move through this week, I encourage you to create moments of renewal for yourself. Where can you slow down? What rituals would help you feel more grounded and refreshed? How can you cultivate inner opulence through these simple, yet profound, acts of self-care?

Until next week, remember that true renewal is an act of self-love, and through it, we create the space for our most luxurious, authentic selves to shine.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief

The Essence of True Luxury Lies Within

September 15, 2024 - As we journey through the world of luxury, there’s often a temptation to focus solely on external splendors—material possessions, lavish experiences, and the curated aesthetics of our lives. But today, I invite you to explore a different kind of luxury, one that transcends the tangible and invites us to connect deeply with our inner world. This is the luxury of self-awareness, inner peace, and emotional freedom.

In a world that constantly bombards us with stimuli—whether through our careers, relationships, or the ever-growing to-do list—it’s easy to lose sight of the most valuable resource we have: ourselves. True luxury, I’ve come to realize, isn’t about amassing more but about creating space within for reflection, growth, and alignment with our truest selves.

Embracing the Luxury of Inner Stillness

In a society that celebrates achievement and constant motion, inner stillness can feel like an indulgence—perhaps even unattainable. Yet, the power of cultivating a quiet mind is one of the most luxurious gifts we can give ourselves. It’s in these moments of stillness that we find clarity, not just about the external world but about our inner desires and needs.

The art of stillness requires practice. Whether through meditation, mindful breathing, or simply allowing yourself time to disconnect from technology, each small pause offers a gateway to deeper self-awareness. It's in these pauses that we remember who we are at our core, beyond the roles we play in daily life.

Letting Go to Make Space for Growth

As we continue our exploration of luxury, it's essential to consider the power of letting go. Whether it’s releasing outdated beliefs, expectations of perfection, or even unhealthy attachments, there’s a profound sense of freedom in shedding what no longer serves us. In this release, we make space for something far more valuable—growth, peace, and new beginnings.

Letting go is an act of trust, not just in ourselves but in the universe. Trust that by releasing what weighs us down, we invite in what uplifts and aligns with our highest good. Think of it as decluttering the mind and heart to create space for more meaningful experiences, ones that resonate with the luxury of emotional well-being.

Aligning with What Truly Matters

So often, luxury is portrayed as something external, but true opulence lies in aligning our lives with our most authentic values. Whether that’s setting boundaries to protect your time and energy or choosing relationships that nurture your soul, luxury begins when you live in harmony with your inner truth.

As we move forward into this week, I encourage you to explore what inner luxury means for you. Are there areas in your life where you’re holding on too tightly or sacrificing your well-being for the sake of external validation? Are you giving yourself the luxury of time, space, and stillness to reconnect with what truly matters?

Remember, luxury isn’t just about what we accumulate but about how we live—consciously, intentionally, and in alignment with our highest selves.

Until next week, may you find beauty not just in the world around you but within yourself.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


September 22, 2024 - In a world that moves faster than ever, it’s easy to feel swept up in the current, carried from one task to the next, one experience to another, without fully experiencing any of it. Our days can feel like a series of obligations, where time slips through our fingers, leaving us disconnected from the essence of our lives. But what if we chose to live with intention?

Intentional living isn’t about perfection; it’s about purpose. It’s about making conscious choices that align with who we are and what we truly desire—living each moment in harmony with our values, our passions, and our deepest truths. At its core, intentional living is the ultimate form of luxury because it requires us to slow down, reflect, and curate our lives with care.

But how do we embrace this way of being in a world that glorifies speed, efficiency, and the constant chase for “more”? It starts with awareness.

Awareness of Your Time

Time is our most precious resource, and yet, it’s the one we often treat the most carelessly. We say yes to things that drain us, spend hours scrolling through social media, or overfill our schedules, leaving little space for what truly matters. Living intentionally requires us to become stewards of our time, choosing mindfully where we direct our energy.

Ask yourself: How am I spending my time? Does it reflect my values and bring me joy? Can I let go of the things that no longer serve me to make space for the experiences that do? By prioritizing what truly matters, we reclaim our days and make each moment count.

Curating Your Surroundings

Just as we curate our time, we also have the opportunity to curate our physical surroundings. The spaces we inhabit have a profound impact on our well-being, affecting everything from our mood to our productivity. Living intentionally means surrounding ourselves with things that uplift and inspire us—whether that’s a beautifully designed room, a cozy corner for reading, or a minimalist space that allows us to breathe.

What does your environment say about you? Is it cluttered and chaotic, or calm and intentional? Consider how you can transform your space into a sanctuary that reflects your values and nurtures your soul.

Nurturing Mindful Connections

Another key element of intentional living is nurturing the relationships that truly matter. Too often, we spread ourselves thin, giving our energy to acquaintances and social obligations that leave us feeling drained. Intentional living encourages us to invest our time and energy in relationships that uplift, inspire, and support us.

Consider reaching out to those who resonate with your values and passions. Cultivating deeper connections with friends and family can enhance your sense of belonging and fulfillment. Make it a point to spend quality time with loved ones, engaging in meaningful conversations and shared experiences that enrich your life.

Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool in the intentional living toolkit. By practicing gratitude, we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, fostering a deeper appreciation for our lives as they are. Start a gratitude journal or take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, big or small.

This practice not only enhances our mental well-being but also encourages us to recognize the beauty in everyday moments. Gratitude helps us cultivate a positive mindset, making it easier to navigate challenges and embrace change with an open heart.

Taking Meaningful Action

Intentional living calls for action that aligns with our values. It’s about making choices that reflect who we truly are and what we want to achieve. Whether it’s pursuing a new hobby, investing in personal development, or setting boundaries to protect your time, taking meaningful action helps you live in accordance with your true self.

Reflect on what actions you can take to move closer to your goals and values. Set intentions for the week or month ahead, creating a roadmap that guides your choices. Remember, every small step counts on the journey toward a more intentional life.


Living intentionally is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing reflection, adjustment, and commitment to aligning our actions with our values. As we move forward into the fall, let’s embrace the art of intentional living—making conscious choices that enrich our lives and foster deeper connections with ourselves and others.

By prioritizing awareness, curating our surroundings, nurturing relationships, practicing gratitude, and taking meaningful action, we can create a life that feels truly aligned with our values and aspirations. 

May this season inspire you to slow down, reflect, and choose with intention. Here’s to living each moment fully and purposefully.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


September 29, 2024 - Change is one of life’s few certainties. Whether we embrace it or resist it, change surrounds us at every turn—seasons shift, circumstances evolve, and we, too, are constantly in a state of flux. Yet, despite its inevitability, change can often evoke feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and discomfort. How do we transform our relationship with change and view it not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for growth?

The truth is, change is a powerful catalyst for personal development. It can lead us to new experiences, broaden our perspectives, and reveal strengths we didn’t know we had. When we learn to embrace change, we unlock the door to resilience, adaptability, and a more fulfilling life. Here are some ways to cultivate a mindset that welcomes change:

1. Shift Your Perspective

How we view change can significantly impact our ability to navigate it. Instead of seeing change as a threat, try to reframe it as a chance for growth and transformation. Ask yourself: What opportunities might this change bring? How can I learn and grow from this experience? By shifting your perspective, you empower yourself to embrace new beginnings rather than fear the unknown.

2. Practice Mindfulness

In times of change, our minds can become cluttered with worries about the future and regrets about the past. Mindfulness practices—such as meditation, deep breathing, or grounding exercises—can help center us in the present moment. By anchoring ourselves in the now, we can approach change with clarity and calm, allowing us to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.

3. Create a Support System

Change can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or mentors who can offer guidance, encouragement, and perspective as you navigate life’s transitions. Sharing your experiences with others not only lightens your emotional load but also fosters deeper connections that can enrich your journey.

4. Set Intentions

When faced with change, take a moment to set clear intentions for how you want to navigate the transition. What do you hope to achieve? How do you want to feel? Intentions act as guiding lights, helping us stay focused on our goals and values amidst uncertainty. By setting intentions, we can cultivate a sense of purpose that propels us forward, even when the path ahead seems unclear.

5. Embrace the Learning Process

Every change offers valuable lessons, whether we realize it or not. Instead of fearing mistakes or setbacks, embrace them as part of the learning process. Reflect on what each experience teaches you about yourself, your values, and your aspirations. This mindset shift can transform challenges into stepping stones for personal growth and self-discovery.

6. Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is our ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to change. It’s a skill that can be developed over time through practice and self-compassion. When facing challenges, remind yourself of past experiences where you’ve overcome obstacles. Acknowledge your strength and ability to adapt. By cultivating resilience, we equip ourselves to face future changes with confidence and grace.

7. Celebrate Progress

As you navigate change, take time to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Recognizing your achievements along the way can boost your confidence and motivation. Reflect on how far you’ve come and the lessons you’ve learned. Each step forward, no matter how minor, is a testament to your growth and adaptability.


Change is an inherent part of the human experience, and while it may feel daunting, it holds the potential for profound growth and transformation. By shifting our perspective, practicing mindfulness, building a support system, and embracing the learning process, we can transform our relationship with change. 

As we move into October, let’s welcome the changes that come our way and view them as opportunities to grow, evolve, and embrace the beauty of life’s unpredictable journey.

Until next week, may you navigate change with courage and grace, and may each transition lead you to new heights of personal growth.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief

The power of disconnecting in a connected world

October 6, 2024 - In a world where we are constantly plugged in—whether it’s through our phones, emails, or social media—true luxury is no longer about what we can acquire but what we can escape. The power of disconnecting has become the ultimate form of self-care, a luxury that appeals across generations, especially to young adults craving a more intentional relationship with their time and energy.

The pressure to always be “on” can be overwhelming. Notifications, messages, and endless to-do lists keep our minds busy even when we think we’re resting. This constant connection leaves little room for creativity, peace, or genuine relaxation. But there’s a simple solution to this modern dilemma: disconnection.

Disconnect to Reconnect

While staying connected might seem necessary to keep up with the world, it’s equally important to know when to switch off. Taking time away from screens and the digital noise is a way to reclaim mental clarity and recharge your spirit. By allowing ourselves to fully disconnect, we create space to reconnect with what truly matters—our relationships, passions, and inner selves.

How to Embrace the Art of Disconnecting: 

1. Set Boundaries for Screen Time

The allure of social media and the endless scroll is undeniable, but setting limits on your screen time allows you to take back control. Designate specific times in your day to check emails or catch up on Instagram, and more importantly, set clear “no-phone” zones, like your morning routine or before bed.

2. Create a Digital-Free Sanctuary

Design a space in your home where technology is simply not allowed. Whether it’s a cozy reading nook or a spa-like bathroom, this space should be a retreat for your senses. Fill it with tactile, soothing elements—plush throws, calming scents, or soft lighting—and allow it to be your go-to place to unwind without the distraction of screens.

3. Indulge in Offline Hobbies

Reclaiming time for hobbies that don’t involve a screen is a luxury in itself. Whether it’s diving into a good book, learning a new skill, or even revisiting an old passion like painting or journaling, these activities feed your creativity and nourish your mind.

4. Practice Mindful Digital Detoxes

A weekend, or even just a day, without digital distractions can do wonders for your well-being. Plan a “digital detox” where you consciously avoid emails, social media, and texts. Use this time to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Nature walks, journaling, or spending time with loved ones will feel richer when your attention isn’t divided.

Why It Matters

Disconnection is not about rejecting the world we live in but about striking a balance. In this space of quiet and stillness, we rediscover the elegance of simplicity and the richness of real-life moments. It’s a luxurious practice, accessible to all but mastered by few.

As we move forward into this season, I invite you to explore the art of disconnecting as a form of luxury. True connection begins within, and it’s only when we allow ourselves to unplug that we can fully recharge and elevate our experience of life.

Until next week, remember: luxury is living fully present, not constantly connected.


Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief


October 13, 2024 - In a world that often glorifies hustle and perfection, self-compassion can feel like a radical act. The art of self-compassion is not just about treating ourselves kindly in moments of failure; it’s a powerful practice that nurtures our mental and emotional well-being, especially as we navigate the complexities of modern life.

So, what exactly is self-compassion? At its core, it involves treating ourselves with the same kindness, concern, and support that we would offer to a good friend. It’s about recognizing that we are human—flawed, imperfect, and deserving of love and understanding.

Imagine facing a setback: maybe you didn’t land that job you wanted, or perhaps you made a mistake at work. It’s easy to slip into a cycle of self-criticism, berating ourselves for not being “good enough.” But self-compassion invites us to pause, to breathe, and to acknowledge that it’s okay to feel disappointed. Instead of getting lost in a sea of negativity, we can choose to be gentle with ourselves.

One effective way to cultivate self-compassion is through mindfulness. This means being present with our feelings without judgment. Instead of dismissing our emotions or pushing them away, we can allow ourselves to experience them fully. This practice not only fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves but also creates space for healing and growth.

Another essential aspect of self-compassion is recognizing our shared humanity. It’s important to remember that we’re not alone in our struggles. Everyone faces challenges and makes mistakes; it’s part of being human. When we acknowledge that we’re all in this together, we can cultivate empathy for ourselves and others. This connection helps us feel less isolated in our experiences.

Incorporating self-compassion into our daily lives can also involve small, intentional acts. Take a moment to treat yourself to a warm cup of tea after a long day or write down three things you appreciate about yourself. These small gestures can make a significant impact on our mindset and emotional resilience.

As we move through this week, I encourage you to practice self-compassion. When you find yourself in moments of struggle or self-doubt, ask yourself: “What would I tell a friend in this situation?” Allow that voice to guide you, reminding you of your worth and humanity.

Remember, self-compassion is not a destination but a practice. It’s an ongoing journey toward kindness and understanding that can transform our relationship with ourselves and enhance our overall well-being.

With love,

Lindsay Stevenson, Editor-In-Chief